Air Academy Credit Union Blog

Healthy Sports to Take Up When You Retire

Retirement opens up an entirely new chapter of life, offering time to explore hobbies and stay active. Engaging in sports not only maintains physical health but also fosters social connections, enabling you to stay active and healthy, as well as maintain your social...

How to Save Up to Buy a Larger Home

Saving up to buy a larger home requires strategic planning and disciplined financial habits. You may have to start by assessing your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, and existing savings. Budgeting is also essential, as it will allow you...

Finding the Best Travel Plan for a Tighter Schedule

In case you have a tighter schedule, but still want to travel, there are some things you can do to help you in this direction. For instance, you should set some clear priorities. In other words, it is always useful to identify the must-see attractions or activities at...